Thursday, July 26, 2012

2. Ron Mueck

Another hyper realist artist from Australia, is Ron Mueck. Mueck  was born in Melbourne, Australia. Muecks parents were toy makers, which is to no surprise, made him pick up the skill of crafting art with his hands. In the mid-1980s he worked on The Muppet Show and Sesame Street operating puppets animals. Working in special effects on hit films such as Dreamchild (1986) and Labyrinth (1986) lead him to start his own company in London, making animatronices for advertising companies. His mother-in-law Paula Rego, was the reason Mueck stumbled into the art world, for she asked him to make a model of Pinocchio for her to paint, for an exhibition. The sculptor caught the attention of Charles Saatchi who owned his own advertising company.Saatchi commissioned Mueck to create four works, which from their started the saga of amazing pieces.  Ron Mueck exhibition: Ron Mueck's assistants apply finishing touches to 'Drift' 2009

     Unlike Patritcia Piccinini, Mueck's figures creates realistic sculptures made of fiberglass resin. Creating either larger than life figures or smaller scales figures, draws the viewers interest, better than if it was life size. For the scale of some of his pieces, his work is very detailed almost like a giant human could possibly exist.The piece below is amazing from the hair, the the fat lower chin is very good.

Giant Baby
The Giant Baby is a peice I really wish I could see in person. A giant new born baby, wet hair, specks of blood and the position of the baby seem so real. The fact that he added the baby squenting as if its his first time opening its eyes is amazing. Being able to create something that large as a sculpture and pay attention to detail and display it in his peices is crazy.

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