Tuesday, July 31, 2012

14. Jayne Cooper

Clown - Oil on canvas  105x120cm

Jayne Cooper's Clown painting is intense. The first thing that pops out to me in this painting, is not the big red nose in the center of the painting, but those blue eyes. The artist really focused on every detail, from the individual eyelashes, to the large pupils in the eyes. The face is pale white, however Cooper used a large color pallet to create the facial features, and one can even tell the face is chubby, by her techniques.
Im assuming this is a child, judging from the size of the teeth and small lips. Cooper adds blue around the lips,  as if the individual is drooling, which adds to the person being a small child. 

Creating a mix between painting styles, really makes this piece pop. The eyes are very detailed, barley seeing brush strokes. The face painting however is very loose, one is able to see all the different movements of the brush strokes. 

Jayne Cooper went to Glasgow School of Art studying fine art painting, and has been featured in group exhibitions in England.

"  I enjoy the tension that arises between the intentional and the accidental and how different marks, techniques and effects can co-exist within a single frame."

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