Mathilde Roussel-Giruady is a french artisted based in New York. Her work consist of sculptors, printmaking, photograhpy, drawing and printmaking. Her growing grass Sculptures are unique and interesting how they were created. The grass sculptures change every time you see them. They are made from recycled metal, soil and wheat grass seeds. Roussel-Giraudy wants to build awarness of how nature effects our lives and the value of preservation and to emphazise her childhood life style of living a farm.
When I first veiwed the image, I thought she used fake grass to sculpt these human figures, however after I read up on her, I was shocked, it was real. Everytime you see the the sculptor it is changing, that would be pretty cool to see. I would love her why she chose the poses for her sculptors, in the image below, she has one falling from the sky, another curled up and one who looks to be catching some sun, so why the artist chose the poses whould be interesting to know. I would also like to know, how long she keeps these growing sculptors up.
I actually like the sculptors in it's begining stages when the grass has not grown yet. It reminds me of aliens being lifted back to their space ships, like in a syfy movie or something.
When the grass has died it also looks better. The colors have changed, and gives the figure a different feel
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